urinetown is a satirical comedy musical the premierd in 2001,with music by mark hollmann
and a book by Greg kotis. the show also parodies musicals such as the threepenny opera, the cradle will rock and les miserables, and the broadway musical itself as a form. the character os BOBBY Stong and Hope Cladwell were included on New York Theather Monthly's list of "The 100 Greatest Roles in Musical Theater".
Greg Kotis had the idea for Urinetown while traveling in Europe. He was a traveling student on a budget, he encountered a pay-per-use toilet, and began writing shortly thereafter, joining with Mark Hollmann for the journey to Broadway. there was apsolutly no production companie interested in opthioning the musiclal, but finally the Neo- Futurists, an experimental theatre group from chicago. agreed to produce Urinetown for their 1999-2000 season. moreover kotis and his wife was the original cast member. spencer Kayden belonged to the group.Fringe Festival accepted the show into thier festival.
Playwright David Auburn, a friend of Kotis and Hollmann, came to see the show and immediately called production company The Araca Group. The company optioned the musical and it opened Off Broadway at the American Theatre for Actors, transferring to Broadway in September 2001. Originally planned to open on September 13, the show contained several references which, after the September 11 attacks, would prove offensive. Ultimately, only one line was removed from the script, and the show opened September 20, 2001. {wikipedia}
we are dancing to one of the song in the play, the one called "Snuff That Girl.
here is a video of urinetown in theater:
Here's a couple video's of us rehearsing: