Saturday 20 May 2017

Jackie Unit 19: principles of acting/ researcher and character development.

Research about tomorrow.

Tomorrow is a play writing by Simon Vinnicombe, in 2014 the play is about a group of  year 11, who are on their last day of secondary school, The first scene follows them on the last day of school which is set in April/June and the second is prom night and the last scene is about them collecting their results. The theme of the play is mostly about the future, about what their perspective and chances are in life. its about all type of stuff such as love, friendship, lush all the type of massive things you could deal with when you're that young. with these amazing characters.

Names of characters that we played:

Peter: played by Tyrell. is a boy without a peer group, yet to find his niche. He is never comfortable within a group and this manifests itself in his tentative physical movements. He works very hard for successes.

Lana: played by Bianca. is acutely shy, she is desperate to be hidden from the world. Incredibly clever and very kind but without any of the social skills to go with it. AN A* student in every subject.

Zack: played by Dorant. is a massive presence in the room. He can swish from being warm to ferocious in a moment but a natural charisma. When he is up, the sun shines on everyone.

Naomi: played by Natalia. has an odd maturity which doesn't match her outward appearance. she's fiercely intelligent, and is constantly battling to hide any of her vulnerabilities. she does her best to hide her prettiness.

Kelly: played by Morgan. is a ball of anxiety. she feels the full force of external pressure to succeed and is on the edge of exhaustion. she kind and open and genuinely loves being at school. constantly worried as to whether or not others like her.

Billy: played Ezekiel. is full of artificial confidence. His every movement is dictated by his desire to be liked A ball of energy. he has a quick wit and a desperate need to be approved of.

Shulay: played by Jashida (Me). tries to be brash and loud in an attempt to hide her lack of confidence.

Shadia: played by Temwanie. is extremely bright and ambitious. she is loyal and fiercely protective of those close to her. she maternal nature about her which believes her years.

Sam: played by Rophie. is a scruffy, clumsy mess of limbs. It's as if he has not frown into his body yet. He is always in he immediate, always upbeat. A loyal huge-hearted boy.

Matt: played by Edgar. is an athlete and moves with the casual confidence of a sportsman. HE is less comfortable in classroom and gets frustrated with his inability to articulate himself. An admixture of confidence and insecurity. A good-looking young man.

Chloe: played by Yasmin. has a quiet confidence born of years of popularity. she has a restlessness about her, as if her anger is about to bubble over she is naturally pretty and takes great care over her appearance.

We did the hole of act One which is set in April/June, the last day of school, in the assembly hall. with tables and chairs set out like were going to do an exam.

About Simon Vinnicombe.
Simon Vinnicombe is a British writer, who began his career when he was invited to join the Royal Court Theatre in a 'Super Group' within the young writes programme. His two plays, year 10 (2005) and cradle me (2008), opened at the finborough Theatre. Year 10 was named Time Out critics' choice and subsequently transferred to the BAC and the festival premieres second edition, a festival by the Theatre National de Strasbourg and Le Maillion, and as part of the Brittany International Theatre Festival in 2006. bout year 10 and cradle me  have been performed across Europe in several different languages. Simon Vinnicombe was also part of the BBC writers' Academy 2010 for Television  and has subsequently written  for both TV and film. He won Pearson Award for playwright in the same year. His play City love was performed at the Bussey Building in September 2013. His other work has been produced at the Bush, Union Theater, Edinburgh Festival, Southwark Playhouse, the Old Vic, the Manhattan Theatre Club, New York City, and on BBC Radio 4.

My character research.
Shulay is an 16 year old, who is in year 11, she cares a lot about her grade and school but doesn't shows it. She is the type who would spend her day outing with her friend, shopping and doing her nails trying to impress guys and her friends with her attitude and beauty. Her ambition is to pass her GCSE's and show off her high status when she has the chance. She enjoys making people feel bad with just using word. Her biggest fears is not living up her her friends expectations of her, and not passing her exam, because that's still a side of her that she hides from her friends. My character believes in God, however her greatest pleasure is making people feel terrible about them self, she really enjoys making people feel down, she love finding bad and horrible things to say too them. Therefor her worst nightmare is to have someone bring her down when she's trying to show of her high status, for example when Yazmin character Chloe she trying to stick up for herself and told my character to shut up my character responded with a " you didn't just tell me too shut up" and quickly find something else to throw at her, that's why she responded quickly. cause she don't people too get a chance to bring her down. however there's another character that she really fancy name Zack and he has a higher status the she does, she really likes him but she cant show it because her best friend and him already has a thing. I know other characters sees my character as a B*ITCH but i don't mind because thats what i want them too see me as.

Rehearsals log about what really help me develop my character.

1. One lesson we took off, reading the script and try to start acting out the piece, and we was really struggling  as an ensemble and Miss Jackie realised that. Therefor she took us out into the corridor to observe the way our other class mates are behaving, and that really helped me because whilst we was in the corridor  i realised that they were more open more focus and they were always listing to everything and everyone even though some are on their phone or listing to music, they was still curious about what was going on. therefor i took that into consideration and try to do that with my character, moreover we got the opportunity to experiment with our character a bit more.

2. I realised because my character was one of the high status people she had a lot of advantage to be more free but it was a bit complicated cause i don't consider myself as some who is high status so i had to change a bit and be more mean and observing about what others was doing.

3. Once we started getting confident with our character, the piece started to flow, we began add different  ideas and working as an ensemble to make the piece work. there was time we would struggle because we would get a  bit distracted and the energy will start to drop, but we would always  find a way to pick back up the pace and stay focus as a ensemble.

My character costume idea.

White signed shirt because it's our last day.

Black skirt high sock and black shoes.

M y character props .

pretzels to snake on whilst acting.

Blue bag!

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